Salt Can Damage Your Concrete Driveway. Here Is An Alternative

Salt and it’s effects on Your Concrete Driveway

Salt used for melting ice in the winter can damage your concrete driveway. This damage can include:

  1. Discolouration on the surface of your driveway
  2. Chipping of the surface of your concrete. Also known as “Pop Outs”.
  3. Reinforcement, such as rebar and wire mesh corroding and possibly breaking. Without this reinforcement the concrete is more susceptible to cracks and shifting.

The Alternative

Alternatively, there are a few options you can choose from. My favourite alternative would be calcium chloride. Calcium chloride cannot break down the surface of your concrete driveway. Benefits include an environmentally safe product that will not harm grass, plants or trees. Calcium chloride can be bought at any local hardware store, Walmart or if you prefer Amazon click Here. There are other more natural options such as sand, although not as effective.

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